Honor Society of Nursing,Sigma Theta Tau Internethional(STTI)
Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association(AAPINA)
1.看護に役立つ疾患・症候事典 病態がわかるケアがわかる:メヂカルフレンド社(2008)共著
1.Negative/Positive home-based caregiving appraisals by informal carers of the elderly in Japan:Primary Health Care Research &Development,16,167-178.(2015)単著
4..Outcomes of integrated community care interventions for frail elderly people:A literature review:Health,10,1120-1131.(2018)単著
1.Different Factors Associated with Home-based Family Caregiving Appraisal of the Elderly in Rural and Urban Japanese Communities:13th Annual Inter-disciplinary Research Conference,Dublin,Ireland.9(2012)単著
2.Home-based care-giving apparaisals by informal caregivers of the elderly with highcare needs in Japan.:24th International Nursing Research Congress,Sigma Theta Tau International,Prague,Czech Republic.68.(2013)単著
3.Outcome on integrated community care interventions for frail elderly through literature review.:44th International Biennial Convention by the Honor Society of Nursing,Sigma Theta Tau International,Indianapolis,USA.(2017)単著